Jul 7, 2000 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
PROSTATE CANCER, NECK PAIN, BACK PAIN, IRRITABILITY, ANGER JJ – Patient tells how he feels after the first treatment http://drtong.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/7-7-00-jj.mp3Podcast: Play in new window |...
May 31, 2000 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
NECK PAIN, BACK PAIN, SURGERY AVOIDANCE http://drtong.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/5-31-00-shylesh.mp3Podcast: Play in new window |...
Mar 17, 2000 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME, DEPRESSION, REC. SINUSITIS, NECK AND BACK PAIN 2ND TO DEGENERATIVE DIS. Steve UCLA and Script could not help him. (see RS #1 9/9/00 #91 9/21/02 #156 5/22/04 #197 4/16/05 #221 6/16/07 #357 3/15/14 YT Video)...
Mar 9, 2000 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
MANIC-DEPRESSIVE, NECK AND SHOULDER PAIN 2ND TO DEGENERATIVE DIS., FIBROMYALGIA Olga Two treatments enable her to stop her lithium and six other psychotropic drugs (see RS #2 9/16/00 #131 8/16/03 #141 11/22/03 #186 1/22/05)...
Feb 2, 2000 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
HEADACHE, NECK PAIN, INSOMNIA, INTERNALIZED ANGER, FREQUENT COLDS/FLU, SWEET CRAVINGS http://drtong.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/2-2-00-else.mp3Podcast: Play in new window |...