Jan 27, 2012 | YouTube Testimonials
Ruth twisted her left ankle in January 2009, the pain escalated to her knee, thigh, hip and waist; due to this pain she was not able to lift her leg. She also had pain in her left eye which prevented her from opening her eye. She had three Cortisone injections...
Oct 23, 2010 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Stress, Anxiety, Hip Pain, Bone Pain Jessica ( RS #269 12/26/09, RS #322 1/26/13 , RS #347 11/2/13 RS #358 3-22-14) was diagnosed with Leukemia and had to take steriods as a form of treatment which caused her to have loss of blood circulation to her bones. She also...
Mar 12, 2009 | YouTube Testimonials
This 35 year old physical therapist began having chronic pain from Arthritis about 6-7 years ago. She has been experiencing pain in her neck, left hip, left leg, forearm, and right shoulder. She has had rashes on both hands for the past 4 years and is unable to...
Mar 1, 2009 | YouTube Testimonials
This 35 year old physical therapist began having chronic pain from Arthritis about 6-7 years ago. She also has been experiencing pain in her neck, left hip, left leg, forearm, and right shoulder. She has had rashes on both hands for the past 4 years and is...
Feb 27, 2009 | YouTube Testimonials
Patient has a history of the meningioma in the right which was operated in 1999. Since her operation, she has experienced some cognitive difficulties, including problems with her memory. She suffers the pain in her right face mainly in the mandibular region....