Jun 18, 1999 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
INTRACTABLE COUGH FOR THREE YEARS, CHRONIC FATIGUE, WEIGHT LOSS, FIBROMYALGIA, AVERSION TO COLD, NUMBNESS OF EXTREMITIES, SUICIDAL IDEATION Marie N. Due to her constant unrelenting coughs and other symptoms, this patient thought she was dying, and had bought herself a...
Jun 11, 1999 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
BACK AND KNEE PAIN, CHRONIC FATIGUE, LACK OF STAMINA IN SPORTS, INABILITY TO FLEX BACK AND KNEES IN TENNIS Henry L. ( RS #23 3/3/01 #17 1/20/01 PI 7/29/99 PI 5/17/00) Back and knee pain was fully relieved and range of motion was restored with the first NBE treatment....
Apr 9, 1999 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
CHRONIC FATIGUE, AVERSION TO COLD, SUGAR CRAVINGS, LACK OF STAMINA, PROFUSE SWEATING AND LEG CRAMPS AFTER EXERCISE, UNRESOLVED RELATIONSHIP PROBLEMS Daud A. (RS #358 3/22/14 #339 8/10/13 #320 12/29/12 #314 11/3/12 #269 12/26/09 #152 3/20/04 #59 12/1/01 #25 3/17/01 #5...
Apr 2, 1999 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
CHRONIC SINUSITIS, POST NASAL DRIP, SURGERY SCHEDULED TO REMOVE NASAL POLYPS, CHRONIC FATIGUE Rocky ( RS #312 10/6/12 #121 6/7/03 #45 8/18/01 YT Video PI 8/12/99 )- Congested sinuses were cleared and profuse post nasal drip stopped immediately following the first NBE...