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(714) 556-8664

Cognitive Disorder Dementia, Difficulty Walking, Mild Depression

Shirley (#358 3/22/14) has been diagnosed with a mild cognitive disorder. She has difficulty with walking, writing, and verbalizing thoughts. She has been taking medications that tried to help her cognitive abilities. The medication showed little improvements. Western doctors told her son that they were not able to help her. She went to her first treatment with Dr. Tong and she has reduced her medication intake by 50%. She also has been able to verbalize her thoughts more clearly and has improved her balance. Her mood has improved she has more energy and more motivation.

 Back Pain, Bilateral Leg Spasms, Bilateral Feet Pain, Anxiety
Mary (#358 3/22/14)  is from San Juan Capistrano. She suffers from back pain, bilateral leg spasms and cramping. She suffers from anxiety and stress with family. She found that after her first NBE treatment her mood increased and felt relief from her back pain and feet pain. She has more energy and is more patient

Call Us Today (714) 556-8664