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(714) 556-8664

Colitis, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Gastritis, Low Back Pain

Marci (from Montebello, CA) Marci has been suffering from colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, and gastritis since 1997. She had bleeding with mucus in her bowels every day. Her regular doctors prescribed sulfadine and when the medication did not work, they suggested that she double the dosage of the prescription. She had diarrhea with bloody cramps in the morning and evening. Her stomach would become bloated and painful to the point that made it difficult for her to work. Her friend found Dr. Tong on the internet and Marci decided to consult him. After her first treatment, she had no stomach bloating. She has now had two treatments and her stomach pain is non-existent. She is generally feeling much better.

Rheumatoid Arthritis, Candida, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 

Nancy (from Glendale, CA) – This 48 year old female has suffered from Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) on and off for the past 10 years. In November of 2003, her diagnosis was confirmed. Initially, she had no major symptoms for RA except when she ate certain foods. The symptoms started to appear when she took antibiotics for 2 months. She has excruciating pain in her toes, knees, hands, fingers, ankles, and feet. All her doctors gave her anti-inflammatory medication, which made her worse. She also noticed that when her candida flared up, her arthritis pain would get worse. So her doctors gave her anti-fungals, such as Nystatin. However, nothing worked. She decided to see Dr. Tong. She has now had 5 treatments from Dr. Tong, and her pain has decreased considerably. She is no longer in excruciating pain and she can work without pain.

Helen – caller from San Diego – Resentment, Anger, Negative Feelings

Lee – caller from San Diego

Call Us Today (714) 556-8664