Testimony from Pat. B. :
I have experienced incapacitating migraines for 5 years. They were increasing in frequency to the extent I could not count on being able to work regularly. I grew to a place where I was always aware and afraid that one might be imminent. I began to be cautious and fearful all the time.
I tried everything I would hear of that might prevent or alleviate migraines all to no avail. Even the available medicines could not stop my devastating migraines. In mid summer ‘91 one medicine became available that did work (Midrin). It worked to the extent that it could sometimes knock out the migraine, but most of the time just reduce the intensity of the pain.
When I got my worst migraines I would vomit, pass out, become extremely cold to the point of shivering almost convulsively; I had to stay in a very dark room with no movement around me and noise – for up to 24 hrs. Then after coming out of it I would be worn out and sick and sore all over for the 2 or 3 days following. Life was not worth living during a migraine. Anyone who experiences severe migraines knows this. You just go to bed and pretend you are dead until it passes over.
So when my pharmacist suggested acupuncture with Dr. Tong, I was most open to giving it a try. I was OK with the acupuncture needles but Dr. Tong’s injections were intimidating. I reasoned that nothing could be as bad as another migraine, so I consented to follow his lead. When I started treatment with Dr. Tong my head had been sore for several weeks, a residue of the migraines. And I was walking around fearful all the time of another one coming on. I felt weak, helpless to assist myself, and I wondered if I would be able to count on my body again.
I come from very strong stock. My family (myself included) enjoy what I call “pioneer strength”. We are exceptionally strong in body and mind, and in determination as well. I always believe I can do anything I want to do. Before the migraines I never had a health problem, so I found them a humbling experience.
It was only this summer that I made up my mind I was going to “lick” them and I began asking for guidance and looking for real answers to the migraine problem, not just drugs. I wanted a real cure and this is what I asked for. When acupuncture was suggested I considered it to be divine guidance and I acted on it immediately. The results were almost immediate and on the 3rd treatment the bulk of the work was complete and I was a very, very appreciative woman.
In the two months since then I have had 2 very light migraines– The worst part of them was my fear that they would go into full migraines. Neither one was at all severe, but merely a reminder of how very much I have to be thankful for. (Perhaps that was their purpose!)
I thank you, Dr. Tong, for your skill, for your insight and for your warm, abundant sense of humor. I will always be thankful for what you have done for me.
And I thank God for you, Dr. Tong. I consider you the specific answer to a specific request. After all, that’s the way it works, isn’t it?