As a teacher and part-time house painter, my hands are extremely important to me. This past summer I injured my right hand while painting and had the situation diagnosed as carpal tunnel syndrome. In layman terms, it has to do with inflammation of the wrist caused by strain. The result was discomforting; partial loss of feeling and movement in my thumb and two fingers caused me to become very concerned.
I received a wrist brace and some anti-inflammatory medication and was told by my orthopedic surgeon to “give it time”. If things didn’t change after several weeks, I would have to have surgery. This was just before the school year was to start – and I didn’t have time!
My closest friend, David Rich, told me of a remarkable man who combines an even more remarkable process known as acupuncture with western medicine.
After three weeks and a dozen or so visits to Dr. Tong’s office, I now have complete use of my hand and fingers. Dr. Tong’s staff treat me with nothing less than the utmost care and concern.
– James L.