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Dear Dr. Tong:

You have my permission to use this letter in your book.

After being in a severe auto accident, I was suffering from chronic pain. The most acute pain was in my back. Specifically I was having muscle spasms constantly, and was unable to sleep. I tried pain pills, muscle relaxants, and anti-inflammatory medications. Nothing worked. I started to wear a back support to help relieve the pain. I was so tender a chiropractor was unable to touch me without causing more pain and spasms.

The most remarkable relief occurred after my first treatment from Dr. Tong. The spasms stopped and have not come back. I was able to sleep. The relief from back pain was amazing.

I have no doubt that the nerve block and acupuncture treatment stopped the cycle of pain where nothing else has worked. It is my wish that others, including the medical community realize just how effective Dr. Tong’s treatment is and support his research into alternative pain relief techniques.

Do I recommend Dr. Tong’s treatment? Yes. Would I do it again? Yes, but a lot sooner.

– Janice J.

35 - Dr Tong Testimonial Letter


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