Nov 29, 2008 | YouTube Testimonials
Patient describes in Spanish about his experience after the first NBE treatment. He has had painful and frequent urination for the past eight years. He has Back Pain in the middle of his back and it radiates down his left leg especially when he sits for too...
Nov 29, 2008 | YouTube Testimonials
Patient describes his experience after the first NBE treatment. He has had painful and frequent urination for the past eight years. He has Back Pain in the middle of his back and it radiates down his left leg especially when he sits for too long for the last 10...
Nov 29, 2008 | YouTube Testimonials
Patient suffers from Type 2 Diabetes and is legally blind. Before the NBE treatment she could not read the “Don’t Walk” Sign across the street. She is unable to do basic daily chores, couldn’t find power plug, or see coins on floor, she...
Nov 29, 2008 | YouTube Testimonials
Patient tells about her experience as well as her mother’s and sister’s experience with the NBE treatment. Her mother has had chronic arthritis, but was much improved physically and mentally after the NBE treatment. her sister has Lupus and severe...
Nov 29, 2008 | YouTube Testimonials
Patient tells about his experience with the NBE treatment. Prior to the NBE treatment he had abdominal pain and bloating as well as constipation. After 2 treatments, his bloating, pain, and constipation were completely alleviated. (Testimonial is in Chinese...