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Depression, Kidney Problems, Back Problems

 Cindy (from San Diego, CA) This school teacher has had problems with her kidneys and struggled with depression for a great part of her life. Eight months ago, she received one treatment from Dr. Tong and she has been symptom free ever since. Cindy’s college attending son, John, also received one treatment from Dr. Tong for his back pain 18 months ago. He is also doing much better.

Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Baker’s Cyst, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Sinusitis, Allergies, Depression, Laryngitis

Vicky (from Lancaster, CA, see #106 2-8-03, #126 7-12-03, #167 8-28-04, #197 4-16-05#361 4-12-2014) This elementary school teacher suffered from an auto accident in 1995 that subsequently brought on the myriad of symptoms listed above. She consulted rheumatologists who gave her up to 7-10 medications at a time which did nothing to alleviate her pain. She also went to physical therapy and chiropractors which helped her somewhat, but only gave her temporary relief. She found Dr. Tong’s website and decided to try his treatment. After her first treatment, she was 50% better. She felt as if a weight was lifted from her muscles. She is happier and feels lighter, physically and emotionally. She has had 5 treatments in 5 weeks and has seen significant improvement. Dr. Tong also helped Vicky with a bout of laryngitis from the flu.

Dr. Yee-Wing Tong in Costa Mesa, Ca., treats and CURES many chronic degenerative ailments/diseases. I feel obligated to inform and educate others about Dr. Tong’s NBE Treatments, and testify how miraculously they can improve the quality of your life! You really do not need to live with your pain and symptoms, or prescription medicate them either! I have had 4 treatments so far with Dr. Tong, and I felt great relief even after just 1 treatment. Before going to Dr. Tong, I had been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and muscle pain, carpal tunnel in both arms, chronic sinusitis and allergies, and a baker’s cyst behind my right knee. I was in such poor health, that I was beginning to think I could no longer work as a teacher; having no energy , and many disabling physical/mental ailments, was causing me to miss many days of work, and was greatly affecting my family/social life as well. I was so tired of going from Dr. to Dr., being told only to take different medications, and if they didn’t work, putting me on stronger/different ones.(I was on 10 different medications) Then of course surgeries were mentioned next! I felt there had to be something else to try first, and that is when I discovered Dr. Tong on the internet.( He can be reached at (714) 556-8554, and also has a weekly radio show on KPLSAM 830 every Sat. at 11:30AM. He has helped me tremendously, just after 4 treatments.( Just after the first treatment, I could feel such a difference in my muscle pain and fatigue; it was as if a weight really had been lifted off of me!!!) I am going once a week now,and after he has finished, he only needs to see his patients once a year; to keep your ciculatory system”unblocked”, which is the CAUSE of many of these ailments. These blockages throughout your body interfere with your circulatory system, therefore you begin to have symptomatic problems/ailments. Until you unblock these channels that flow to all of your major organs, you will continue to feel the pain or have the symptoms; even with surgery or medications, which only work temporarily or mask the symptoms. Thus the need to up the dosage or go to a stronger medication. Your immune system is weakend by the toxicity of the drugs also, only adding to your problems. Please visit Dr. Tong’s website and see how his treatments could work for you too, and read the thousands of testimonials from his other patients! You can also listen to previously aired radio shows from this website since 2000! Until I actually tried his treatments, I found it hard to believe, just like you might right now…but speaking from experience, it truly has changed my life! I hope Michael J. Fox reads this, or someone from PAN informs him, and he contacts Dr. Tong, as I know he would be able to help him too! Michael has implemented/supported so many organizations and has gained much needed political support for PD, in trying to find a cure for this cruel, disabling disease, that I know this alternative therapy may also be of great interest to him, and many others as well! I figured, WHAT CAN IT HURT, AT THE VERY LEAST I’LL HAVE TRIED IT, AND CAN ALWAYS GO BACK TO THE OTHER MEDICATIONS IF THIS DOES NOT WORK; HAPPILY I WON’T HAVE TO! Thanks to PAN for having this online discussion forum opportunity! Sincerely, Vicki (Feel free to contact me by email!)

Bob – (caller from San Clemente) – Diagnosed with Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy, does not want to take medication because of side effects

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