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Torn Meniscus

(Jeff, from Antelope Valley, Real Estate Agent and Family Grocery Business) Two and a half months ago, Jeff was scheduled for a right knee surgery for a torn meniscus. He had consulted an orthopedic surgeon who told him that either he undergo surgery, or drain his knee every 2 months and live with his pain. One week before the surgery, he heard Dr. Tong’s radio show and decided to try his treatments before having surgery. After 3 treatments with Dr. Tong, he has no knee pain and no swelling. He has had a 45% improvement with his knee. He is now jogging on a regular basis and he can kneel and squat down in a catcher position. He has also experienced relief in his low back, neck, shoulder, and elbow pain, as well as an increase in his energy. Dr. Tong discontinued his blood pressure medication and now Jeff has no headaches in the morning after his 2nd treatment with Dr. Tong.

Infection, Multiple Sclerosis, Neck, Shoulder, and Knee Pain, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

 (Diane, see #41 7-14-01, from Irvine, CA, Speech pathologist) – Diane consulted 5 different specialists including internists, neurologists, and endocrinologists. Her physical health was affected by an underlying infection. Doctors could not treat the infection because they could not find it. Her temperature was always higher than normal. Thought she had MS (multiple sclerosis). Went to a neurologist, endocrinologist, internist, and gynecologist. She suffered from neck, shoulder, knee pain, chronic fatigue/Epstein Barr, was tired all the time, had dry eyes and her hair was falling out. Her doctors wrote her prescriptions for Valium, Robaxin (muscle relaxant). Her nutritionist, a PhD found out she had toxicity in her teeth. Thereafter, she sought a biologic dentist and had all her dental work replaced. She improved after her dental work, her eyes seemed better, but she was still very tired and depressed. Went through a heavy metal detox with her chiropractor. After a few treatments with Dr. Tong, her energy has increased and her symptoms are much improved. Dr. Tong also helped Diane with Feng Shui in her home, which has led her to receive more work, and helped her to meet more quality people in her life.

Autoimmune Disease, Hypothyroidism, GERD, Leg Pain, Back Pain, Sinus Problems, Ringing in Ears, Diabetes Type II, Osteoarthritis, Fibromyalgia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Constipation

(Charlotte from San Gabriel, Retired) – Housewife who came to see Dr. Tong with a myriad of disorders. She suffers from autoimmune disease, hypothyroidism, GERD, leg and knee pain, low back pain, sinus problems, ringing in her ears, diabetes Type II, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, irritable bower syndrome, and constipation. After seeing Dr. Tong, her symptoms have much improved. Her knees are getting stronger, to the point where she does not need to use her cane all the time. Her sciatic nerve area is less painful, her nocturia is better, and she can now lift her shoulder without pain. Previously, she was recommended four different surgeries involving the knee, bladder, sciatic, and shoulder. After 4 treatments with Dr. Tong she regained her sense of well-being, and is not as negative. Everything that he has worked on has shown improvement.

Call Us Today (714) 556-8664