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Patient Success Stories

We are proud to present hundreds of success stories that have had a chance to experience relief from Dr. Tong’s treatments.

Dr Tong’s Interview -Gino- January 12, 2000

Polycystic Kidney Disease, Renal Failure, Dialysis, Nausea, Headaches, Itching, Abdominal Distension, Loss of Apetite, Fatigue, Depression, Sleeping Problems

Gino – Renal transplant was recommended prior to our therapy. However, ALL of the above severe symptoms were dramatically alleviated by his first NBE treatment. His requirement for dialysis was also reduced by 40% the first month of treatment. In March and April, Gino has taken 10-14 days of vacation without receiving any dialysis treatment.



Dr Tong’s Interview -Christine- January 12, 2000

Chronic Fatigue, Depression, Chronic Sinusitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, irregular Menstruation, Fibromyalgia, Weight Loss, Nightmares, Sad Dreams

Christine This patient also had symptoms of ADHD, which was not responsive to drugs. She was cured of all of the above symptoms with the NBE therapy. 



Dr Tong’s Interview -James- January 11, 2000

 Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Colectomy, Surgery Avoidance

James M. This patient was having an average of 30-40 , and up to 100 episodes of diarrhea per day. He was cured after four months of treatments. He has been doing well with no diarrhea for the past five years. (see RS #4 9/30/00)



Dr Tong’s Interview -Shannon- November 18, 1999

Back Pain, Chronic Fatigue, Depression, Anxiety

Shannon This patient refused surgery recommended for her back injury. Even though long-term chiropractic treatments had slowly reduced the pain, the patient developed severe petite and became that written. At age 32, she had given up going to college, working, and had to moved back living with her parents. her symptoms caused her to develop severe chronic depression and anxiety, which had not respond to any therapy. 

Her physical and mental symptoms as well as the severe fatigue were completely cured by our NBE treatments.



Dr Tong’s Interview -Kim- November 17, 1999

Asthma, Allergies, Sinus Infections, Steroid Medication

Kim Three and have years of conventional therapies failed to provide any lasting improvements for this patient. in contrast, after eight NBE treatment in five weeks, she was symptom free for 10 months, during which she required two treatments with her inhalers comparing to 8 treatments per day prior to our intervention. 

She has recently returned for more treatment due to a mild recurrence of asthma symptoms. There is a great chance for a permanent cure this time because of the addition of homeopathic remedies and food supplements.



Dr Tong’s Interview -Cookie- November 2,1999

Pilonidal Cyst, Back Pain, Rectal Pain, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Skin Problems, Rash, Poor Memory

Cookie D. Conventional treatments were in effective for this patient. Many years of acupuncture and other alternative therapies provide it only minimal benefit. In contrast, she obtained remarkable relief with one month of NBE treatments.



Dr Tong’s Interview -Nancy- November 2, 1999

Numbness, Chronic Pain, Neck Pain, Cervical Radiculopathy, Arthritis

Nancy B. Her recommended surgery was avoided by our NBE treatments. An acute sinus infection and common cold were also cured with one treatment. (see RS #1 9/9/00 #28 4/7/01 PI 3/24/00)



Dr Tong’s Interview -Marina- October 28, 1999

Kidney Stenosis, Kidney Infections, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Plantar Fasciitis, Restless Leg Syndrome

Marina this patient is a registered nurse, who had taken excessive antibiotics due to a congenital defect of the ureter. This along with her stress resulted in most of her ailments. 

our NBE treatments have alleviated most of her symptoms including the frequent kidney infections. 



Dr Tong’s Interview -Carole- October 20, 1999


Carole this patient had four years of excruciating pain aggravated even by slightest movement or air flow. She was totally intolerant to touching. Stellate ganglion blocks, antidepressants and other drugs were totally ineffective. Cervical epidural was required for her to receive physical therapies, which was only minimally effective. 

in contrast, two months of once a week NBE treatment have provided 80% improvement in her range of motion, and completely pain free and drug free for one-year.

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Disclaimer: We make no guarantees of any kind. Results may vary from person to person. Not every patient or every case can be cured, and this website is not intended to replace the direct management of an illness by a caregiver. Please consult a qualified practitioner regarding therapeutic options.

Note: Most of our patients have exhausted other therapies for years, or even decades, but were able to get dramatic relief with their very first NBE treatment!

Call Us Today (714) 556-8664