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Osteonecrosis, Atypical Neuralgia/ Facial Pain

 (Steve from Chicago, Illnois) – This high school teacher works with students with disabilities. Nine years ago, he felt something strange in the lower left side of his mouth. He consulted a dentist who subsequently performed a root canal on his wisdom tooth, but to no avail. He then had 2 additional root canals on his lower left molars. However he still had the discomfort/pain in his mouth. In addition, nothing abnormal was found in his x-rays. Steve then consulted a facial pain doctor (M.D.) who determined that Steve’s problem was that he was grinding his teeth and subsequently fitted him for a night guard, which also did nothing to fix his pain. He also prescribed Steve Elevil for the nerve pain and as an anti-depressant, which helped temporarily. His back tooth was still bothering him, so he went to a holistic dentist, who believed Steve to have osteonecrosis in his mouth. He then extracted the teeth with the root canals and cleaned the area. Still, he felt the discomfort. He then consulted a neurologist who told Steve that he had an atypical neuralgia/facial pain, or gingival pain. He conducted cranial nerve tests on Steve, which all came out normal. Then 3 years ago, Steve found Dr. Tong on the internet and decided to fly to California to see him. He only had one treatment and had to quickly return to Chicago because of business. This year Steve came back to consult Dr. Tong and has now had 5 treatments. He still feels the symptoms, but he is not as preoccupied with it as much as before. He also realizes that he is a very negative person. However, after Dr. Tong’s treatments, he feels emotionally better and more relaxed. 

Back Pain

(Derrick and Julie, see #16 1-13-01 and #36 6-2-01) Originally from Honolulu, Hawaii, this sales and marketing executive in the windsurfing industry leads a very active lifestyle in Garden Grove, CA. In 1992, he was on his honeymoon in Maui and fell from standing on a boat. He did not immediately feel pain in his low back until he sat on a plane to Europe. He then went on to live with the pain for 2 years and continually took Advil. He also consulted other doctors, who prescribed medication, and chiropractors, who only gave him temporary relief. In 1994, he found Dr. Tong, but was quite skeptical. However, after his first treatment with Dr. Tong, he experienced great relief from his back pain. Now, his back pain is virtually gone. He occasionally comes back to see Dr. Tong for tune up treatments if he re-injures his back. Recently he came back from vacation on the 4th of July and again fell surfing. After 2-3 treatments, his back is much better. Derrick’s wife Julie also received much relief from Dr. Tong’s treatments. Three weeks ago, her ears were plugged up and she had swollen glands. She got OTC medication but still had no energy, could not exercise, and was going to get antibiotics. Instead she went in to see Dr. Tong for one treatment and was prescribed herbs. Within 3-4 days she was 100% back to normal. Julie referred her friend Beth to see Dr. Tong. 

John (caller) – from West Covina – question for Dr. Tong about prostate.

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